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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Lies Poison As Illustrated In Billy Collins The History Teacher
A Lie's Poison As Illustrated In Billy Collin's The History Teacher Imagine a scenario in which you discovered that all that you learned in school was an untruth. The whole time you sat learning math, in vein, the entirety of the realities about the administration just a mollified truth, the wars that were battled to make America an extraordinary nation all untruths. Well in this sonnet â€Å"The History Teacher†by Billy Collins, he shows what the outcomes would be in glossing over a genuine subjects, in school as well as in day by day life. Despite the fact that you’d need to save somebody the hard truth it is ideal to come clean with them. In this story the principle character is an instructor, this educator doesn’t need to acquaint his understudies with the hard truth of History along these lines he finds various approaches to making things more amicable for kids as to not desensitize them, or damage them yet as yet showing them history. The result of him relaxing reality, his children go out into the play area region and single out the children that really knew the genuine story since, they imagined that different children weren't right, which the educator needed to manage in light of the fact that he couldn’t tell the children other shrewd and ruin their â€Å"innocence†. I see how the instructor needs to safeguard the children honesty yet their training isn’t something to settle. Collins sonnet uncovers the mischief that not telling individuals every bit of relevant information, and/or keeping others in obscurity can present. I can identify with the instructor in light of the fact that, as an educator you must show kids life, the past, present, this is additionally essential abilities so on the off chance that you don’t show them accurately, at that point it’ll be difficult for them to gain proficiency with reality further down the road. After that I understood that despite the fact that he was saving the youngsters their kid hood he was likewise making an issue for different children that realized that what he was instructing wasn’t genuine on the grounds that his children would â€Å"torment the powerless and the shrewd, destroying their hair and breaking their glasses†(Collins). These children are presently representing a danger to different children at the school because of their absent obliviousness. Toward the finish of the sonnet the educator strolls home considering better approaches to mislead the children tomorrow. The way that astounds me the most is that he sees that the children aren’t getting the hang of anything, and their obliviousness is by implication hurting different children yet he doesn’t put forth any attempt to stop it or reevaluate his strategies. The importance of this story is that it is smarter to uncover reality to somebody instead of misleading them and letting them meander this coldblooded, uncompassionate world unaware of reality. Not coming clean with individuals, yea it very well may be once in a while to their benefit, or perhaps just to keep your heart clear however in the end somebody is going to come clean with them or they will need to encounter the hard truth and all your exertion of saving their â€Å"innocence†would be in vein there for so as to save yourself the shame and extra them the hard acknowledgment in light of the fact that, let’s be extremely genuine nobody can remain blameless until the end of time. Everybody needs to in the end face reality in life accordingly let not one critical point in time be saved in light of the fact that it could be indispensable to their development as a person, to summarize everything Just come clean with individuals and spare others injury and show.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Why Students Should Have Part Time Jobs
Is it a smart thought for High School Students to make some part-memories work? I feel that secondary school understudies ought to have low maintenance occupations since it allows understudies to get out and add to the network. It shows understudies the estimation of cash and gives them abilities that they can use in their future. Right off the bat, low maintenance work for understudies is a smart thought since understudies are enormously expected to take an interest in to todays society, finding a new line of work in the network is an incredible method to take an interest and get themselves involved.It gives understudies a feeling of proprietorship and having a place inside their locale that they too are a functioning part that helps make the general public capacity at it's most elevated level. Additionally, when understudies get a check they need to realize that they have to spending plan their cash and furthermore to make a bank account for future buys. It additionally shows them the estimation of the dollar where a youngster when going to go through their cash they can stop and question themselves ‘is this a need, or is this a need? This is an incredible apparatus for youthful grown-ups to gain at a youthful age. At long last it gives understudies significant abilities valuable for their future. For instance, an understudy was to find a new line of work at the neighborhood gas bar one would figure out how to deal with cash, how to stock racks, request supplies that are required, client care and the capacity to deal with dangerous materials. It's additionally fabricates an understudies character and trust commendable worth. As we as a whole know in the public arena informal exchange around ones character and how dependable they are exceed expectations quick inside any community.In end, low maintenance work for an understudy is a key component in future achievement. It permits the understudy to develop and learn as an individual and makes solid hard wor king attitude. There is nothing more significant to a business than a worker that has these aptitudes and in life there is nothing more attractive as a person than to have a solid feeling of worth, character and the capacity to deal with and oversee cash to their fullest potential.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Procoagulant Circulating Microparticles In Health And Disease Essay
Procoagulant Circulating Microparticles In Health And Disease Essay Procoagulant Circulating Microparticles In Health And Disease â€" Essay Example > Procoagulant Circulating MicroparticlesNormal cells and cancer cells release microparticles and exosomes into their environment. Microparticles are budded off from the cell surface and are best known for their ability to support coagulation. Exosomes, which are stored in intracellular multivesicular bodies and are released when the membrane of the multivesicular body fuses with the cells plasma membrane, efficiently modulate the immune response. (Kakkar, DeRuvo, Chinswangwatanakul, Tebbutt, Williamson, 2005 p. 1004-5) Dvorak and coworkers demonstrated that tumor-derived procoagulant activity (PCA) is associated with sedimentable, ultramiscroscopic plasma membrane-derived vesicles in vitro (cancer cell-conditioned culture medium) as well as in vivo (ascitis tumor fluid from animals). These vesicles, isolated by centrifugation at 100 000 · g, ranged in size from 15 and 800 nm (median 60 nm) (Dvorak, Quay, Orenstein, Bitzer, Carvalho, 2007 p. 923-4) These investigators showed that c ancer cell-derived vesicles support coagulation via various mechanisms, i.e. one procoagulant activity associated with shed tumor vesicles behaved as tissue factor, and shed tumorvesicles also acted at a second step late in the clotting cascade at the level of prothrombinase generation, presumably by providing a phospholipid surface(Dvorak, Quay, Orenstein, Bitzer, Carvalho, 2007 p. 923-4). A decade later, in 1993, from four cases of Trousseaus syndrome, i.e. cancer patients who have spontaneous recurrent or migratory episodes of venous thrombosis, arterial emboli due to nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis, or both, it was concluded that two properties of a tumor can account for the pathogenesis of Trousseaus syndrome: The first is that the malignant cell expresses tissue factor on its external surface. The second is that the tumor cells are anatomically positioned so that cells or vesicles shed from them are exposed to the circulating blood, either directly or by their entrance i nto the circulatory system from the lymphatic system. (Rapaport, 2005 p. 153-61)Concurrently, other investigators concluded that a continuing entrance into the circulation of tissue factor from malignant cells is responsible for the manifestations of Trousseaus syndrome in most patients. (Rapaport, 2005 p. 153-61) Taken together, these studies demonstrate that the strong association between malignant disease and coagulation activation mayâ€" at least partially â€" be explained by the release of tissue factor (TF) exposing vesicles from cancer cells into the blood or other body fluids, which in turn may contribute to the low grade disseminated intravascular coagulation and thrombotic episodes which are characteristic of Trousseaus syndrome. Other potential sources of TF-exposing vesiclesThe true cellular origin of microparticle-associated TF in cancer patients, however, has proven surprisingly difficult to establish. Patients with disseminated breast and pancreatic cancer have incr eased levels of microparticle-associated TF in plasma compared with controls, and the patients with a low likelihood of survival have (in plasma) both a high microparticle-associated TF activity and increased numbers of epithelial mucin (MUC1) exposing microparticles. (Rapaport, 2005 p. 153-61)Whether or not MUC1-exposing microparticles, for example microparticles originating from tumor cells, expose TF, however, was not investigated. Surprisingly, a low number of microparticles was present that stained positive for both MUC1 and glycoprotein IIIa (CD61; integrin b3). As glycoprotein IIIa is abundantly exposed on platelets and platelet-derived microparticles, they concluded that a small part of circulating microparticles seemed to result from fusion of cellular vesicles originating from malignant epithelial cells and platelets. Whether or not these particular microparticles expose TF, however, was not investigated.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Duke Energy Plan And Address The Security Aspects Of Its...
Firewall Application Introduction Duke Energy should carefully plan and address the security aspects of its network by implementing appropriate firewalls. Duke Energy should implement appropriate security management practices and controls when maintaining and operating a secure network. It is imperative to ensure that the architecture of its network complies with industry standard security requirements. Duke Energy s IT organizations should commit to the ongoing process of maintaining the security of device connected to their network. Securing Network of Duke Energy Duke Energy is a large utility company in the United States and it is vital that they proactively safeguard its IT infrastructure. Duke Energy s infrastructure assists†¦show more content†¦Firewalls are used to separate networks with differing security requirements, such as the Internet and an internal network that houses servers with sensitive data. Duke Energy should use firewalls wherever their internal networks and systems interface with external networks and systems, and where security requirements vary among their internal networks. Threats have gradually moved from being most prevalent in lower layers of network traffic to the application layer, which has reduced the general effectiveness of firewalls to stop threats carried through network communications (Scarfone, Hoffman, 2009). However, firewalls are still needed to stop the significant threats that continue to work at lower layers of network traffic. Firewalls protect sites from an exploitation of inherent vulnerabilities in the TCP/IP protocol suite (Wack, Cutler, Pole, 2002). Additionally, firewalls help mitigate security problems associated with insecure systems and the problems inherent in providing robust system security for large numbers of computers. There are several types of firewalls, ranging from boundary routers that can provide access control on Internet Protocol packets, to more powerful firewalls that can close more vulnerability in the TCP/IP protocol suite, to even more powerful firewalls that can filter on the content of the traffic (Wack et al., 2002). Firewall Ruleset Firewall rules are generally specified in a structured textual form. To
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Decir Conjugation With Sample Sentences
The conjugation of decir, an everyday verb thats usually the equivalent of to say or to tell, is highly irregular, not following a readily predictable pattern. The only verbs that are conjugated in the pattern of decir are those derived from it, which include bendecir, contradecir, desdecir, interdecir, maldecir, and predecir. Fast Facts: Decir Conjugation Like most common verbs, decir is highly irregular, breaking the usual pattern in nearly all tenses other than the imperfect indicative.When stressed, the de- of the first syllable changes to di-, and in many cases the c of the stem changes to g or j.A handful of common verbs based on decir follow its conjugation pattern. Irregular forms are shown below in boldface. Translations are given as a guide and in real life vary with context. Infinitive of Decir decir (to say) Gerund of Decir diciendeo (saying) Participle of Decir dicho (said) Present Indicative of Decir digo, tà º dices, usted/à ©l/ella dice, nosotros/as decimos, vosotros/as decà s, ustedes/ellos/ellas dicen (I say, you say, he says, etc.) Preterite of Decir yo dije, tà ºÃ‚ dijiste, usted/à ©l/ella dijo, nosotros/as dijimos, vosotros/as dijisteis, ustedes/ellos/ellas dijeron (I said, you said, she said, etc.) Imperfect Indicative of Decir yo decà a, tà º decà as, usted/à ©l/ella decà a, nosotros/as decà amos, vosotros/as decà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas decà an (I used to say, you used to say, he used to say, etc.) Future Indicative of Decir yo dirà ©, tà º dirà ¡s, usted/à ©l/ella dirà ¡, nosotros/as diremos, vosotros/as dirà ©is, ustedes/ellos/ellas dirà ¡n (I will say, you will say, he will say, etc.) Conditional of Decir yo dirà a, tà º dirà as, usted/à ©l/ella dirà a, nosotros/as dirà amos, vosotros/as dirà ais, ustedes/ellos/ellas dirà an (I would say, you would say, she would say, etc.) Present Subjunctive of Decir que yo diga, que tà º digas, que usted/à ©l/ella diga, que nosotros/as digamos, que vosotros/as digà ¡is, que ustedes/ellos/ellas digan (that I say, that you say, that she say, etc.) Imperfect Subjunctive of Decir que yo dijera (dijese), que tà º dijeras (dijeses), que usted/à ©l/ella dijera (dijese), que nosotros/as dijà ©ramos (dijà ©semos), que vosotros/as dijerais (dijeseis), que ustedes/ellos/ellas dijeran (dijesen) (that I said, that you said, that he said, etc.) Imperative of Decir di tà º, no digas tà º, diga usted, digamos nosotros/as, decid vosotros/as, no digà ¡is vosotros/as, digan ustedes (say, dont say, say, lets say, etc.) Compound Tenses of Decir Key Takeaways Like most common verbs, decir is highly irregular, breaking the usual pattern in nearly all tenses other than the imperfect indicative. When stressed, the de- of the first syllable changes to di-, and in many cases the c of the stem changes to g or j. A handful of common verbs based on decir follow its conjugation pattern.The perfect tenses are made by using the appropriate form of haber and the past participle, dicho. The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, diciendo. Sample Sentences Showing Conjugation of Decir and Related Verbs No queremos decir que tenemos toda la verdad. (We dont want to say we have all the truth. Infinitive.) Os lo he dicho muchas veces. (I have told you it many times. Present perfect.) No entiendo lo que me està ¡n diciendo. (I dont understand what theyre telling me. Present progressive.) Todos estaban diciendo que mi carrera habà a terminado. (Everybody was saying that my career was over. Imperfect progressive.) No obstante, predigo que en el futuro cercano vamos a ver muchos cambios en la industria. (Nevertheless, I predict that in the near future we will see many changes in the industry. Present indicative.) Una premisa de la ciencia ficcià ³n es si no contradice las leyes fà sicas, entonces es posible. (One premise of science fiction is if it doesnt contradict the laws of physics, then it is possible. Present indicative.)  ¿Le dijiste que todo era mentira? (Did you tell him it was all a lie? Preterite.) Mi doctora me dijo que tengo diabetes. (My doctor told me I have diabetes. Preterite.) Unos meses antes de mi nacimiento, mi madre predijo que yo serà a muy rica. (A few months before my birth, my mother predicted I would be very rich. Preterite) Creà a que me contradecà a por su manera de vivir. (I used to believe she was contradicting me by her lifestyle. Imperfect.) Te dirà ¡n lo que quieras escuchar. (Theyll tell you what you want to hear. Future.) Si era en su casa, yo decirà a que soy alà ©rgica para un ingrediente de la comida y no puedo comerla. (If I were at his home, I would say that Im allergic to an ingredient in the food and that I cant eat it. Conditional.) En el mundo en el cual vivimos, es inevitable que alguien nos maldiga. (In the world we live in, it is inevitable that someone will criticize us. Present subjunctive.) Niega que dijera que Cataluà ±a debe ser reconocida como nacià ³n. (She denies saying that Catalonia should be recognized as a country. Imperfect subjunctive.) Dice que es tu turno. (Say its your turn. Imperative.)
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Examine the ways in which the relationship between the public and the police is presented in this extract and elsewhere in the play Free Essays
In Murmuring Judges, the second play in Hare’s trilogy which examines institutions, Hare presents the relationship between the police and the public as one of mutual dislike. Interestingly, Hare never openly shows the public to dislike the lawyers, who act as the antagonist throughout the play due to their uncaring attitude towards client, but it is omnipresent towards the police, who are shown to be more in touch with people. Here, Hare is perhaps consciously suggesting that the people dislike the police as they are the ‘face of justice’ and thus perceived by the public to be the ‘enemy’. We will write a custom essay sample on Examine the ways in which the relationship between the public and the police is presented in this extract and elsewhere in the play or any similar topic only for you Order Now Although Hare does present the police to hold some racist and prejudiced views, showing they clearly aren’t perfect, he does largely present the police in both Murmuring Judges and his research book Asking Around as trying to do a hard job in difficult times. From our first introduction to the police, we see they are instantly disliked by the public. In Act 1 Scene 3, the first to involve the police, Keith states â€Å"you’re all bloody bastards†which immediately creates sympathy from the audience for the police. This sympathy is increased throughout the novel, where Hare generally presents the police as good people, an example of which is Sandra, who is shown as trying to enforce justice fairly in a corrupt system. The public dislike for the police is shown to be mutual though, â€Å"I’m not sure I care for the public that much†, which highlights the police frustration at the difficulty of their job, which is shown to be exacerbated by non-cooperative suspects, as shown through Keith’s repetition of â€Å"I’m not saying anything†. This furthers sympathy towards the police, as the public perception and the audience’s perception seem to be very different, as at this point in the play the police are presented as entirely honest. Dislike for the police is also shown later in the play, â€Å"I bloody hate the sodding police†, but here the police are shown to have grown more tired of the public and are more irritated, â€Å"do you have any idea, you stupid arsehole, how bloody boring it is for us? However, the public only further underlying frustration, as the Criminal Evidence Act of 1981 made policing more about paperwork, which created frustration amongst the police as for them it lowered their ability to do their jobs. In Asking Around, Hare states â€Å"[the police] are used to doing a great deal of good for the community and they’re used to having it thrown back in their face†. This could explain the police’s frustration at the public and also their seeming lack of interest in their jobs, as they no longer have the incentive to help those who hate them. Read also Intro to Public Relations Notes The police are shown to become more frustrated as the play progress, although the time period is unknown, could suggest that more and more acts were continually introduced. However, Hare continues to present the police as ‘the good guys’, as he shows Lester to be â€Å"only interested in protecting the public†, which reinforces the idea that police frustration largely stems from the public. Despite the public perception of the police as â€Å"tossers†, the police are wholly presented as the most in touch with people and the most realistic, â€Å"what we’re talking about here is reality†. This is best shown in the juxtaposition of the lawyers and the police’s view of public interest. Whereas Sir Peter believes â€Å"everyone listens to Desert Island Disks†, which the is obviously untrue, as this is a largely middle class radio station and shows the lawyers to be completely out of touch with the public, Lester states â€Å"I’d rather be in bed with Michelle Pfeiffer. †This is a much more relatable statement for the public, as it is likely that there is a larger proportion of people who would rather be in bed with Michelle than there is who listen to Desert Island Disks. Through this direct contrast, Hare shows the lawyers to be dated whereas the police are presented as realistic, and with the same manner and feelings as the public, which can be exemplified by the sarcastic tone from Lester towards the clients, â€Å"go and stand up there next to him, it makes no difference to me†. The extent of the police’s involvement with the public is shown starkly when Barry confronts Irina and asks â€Å"when was the last time anyone was sick on your wig? The mocking tone suggests is frustration at the public and the image of the public vomiting on the police shows them to be obviously more in touch with the public than the lawyers. Contextually, however, the public distrust of the police is understandable, as cases like the Guilford four and the Birmingham Six highlighted police corruption and showed the police to be immoral, as Barry is shown to be here. Perhaps the worst relationships presented between the police and the public are those which highlight the racist and generally prejudiced attitudes of the police at the time. Barry suggests that Gerard is more likely to be guilty as â€Å"he was kind of Irish†, which shows an innate prejudice, as he assumes that his nationality makes him more likely to commit crime. Significantly, Hare presents the public as aware of this racism through Jason, who is black, as he states â€Å"if you go through with this†¦I’m going to get a bobble hat and grow bloody dreadlocks. †Here, it is suggested that the police are inherently racist, as Jason implies that he was arrested simply because he was black, showing he too believes the police are racist. Although here it is a matter of justice, rather than racism, in the focus scene Hare does present the police as prejudiced. Through Lester’s statement, â€Å"I hate immigration†¦and bloody women†, Hare presents the police as prejudiced, which could arguably suggest why they are so disliked by the public as this shows them to be unjust. Just as the public are shown to be aware of racism within the police, sexism is also obvious as Sandra says â€Å"just ask the boys, all women are naggers†. However, I believe this may have been inherent and gone unnoticed by the police, as perfectly summed up in the line â€Å"they don’t know they’re prejudiced†, as the play was written in 1991, when racism and sexism were seen as everyday occurrences. Hare describes the police as â€Å"the people trying to keep their sense of humour in the face of massive contradictions†. This is evident in the relationship between the police and the public, as the police generally use a light tone and humorous phrases, which suggests the police would like to get along with the public, but they make this impossible. This is strengthened by Hare’s presentation of the public, as they are shown to be non-cooperative or â€Å"grovelling†. In contrast, Hare occasionally presents the police as prejudiced and disinterested in their jobs, which undermines the police-public relationship, but it is largely obvious that Hare blames the public for the poor public relations as the police are largely just attempting to do their job in difficult circumstances, which is only worsened by the public perception of them as unjust and prejudiced. How to cite Examine the ways in which the relationship between the public and the police is presented in this extract and elsewhere in the play, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Concepts of Economics Economics for Business
Question: Discuss about the Concepts of Economics and Economics for Business. Answer: Introduction The two most fundamental concepts of economics are termed as demand and supply. Demand and supply are considered as the backbone of the market economy. The quantity of a good or a service that is desired by the purchasers is termed as demand. Demand refers to the amount that the consumers are willing to buy at a certain price. On the other hand, supply refers to the quantity that can be offered by the market (Bowen Sosa, 2014). In this case, the demand and supply of the CD will be evaluated and the factors that are affecting the demand and supply sides of the market. Suppose a special edition of a CD of one of the most famous band is released for $30. In this case, the company will take into consideration the previous analysis of the customers. As per the analysis, the company will launch only ten CDs, as the customers will not demand the CDs at a price higher than $30. In this case, the opportunity cost is also too high for the suppliers to produce more. However, if 30 individuals demand ten CDs then it will lead to the increase in the price. This is because, as per the demand relationship, the increase in the demand will lead to the increase in the price (Arnade Cooper, 2013). The increase in the price will lead to the increase in the supply of the CDs. This is because, the individuals are willing to purchase the CDs at the higher price and in order to meet the demand, the supply needs to be increased (Basnet Seuring, 2014). Figure: The Increase in the Demand Leads To the Increase in the Price (Source: Created By Author) In the above graph, it can be seen that the increase in the demand leads to the increase in the price. However, if the demand remains the same in spite of the increase in the supply that is the production of the CDs increases to 40 but the demand is still at 30, then the price will not be increased. This is because the demand is less than the supply. Hence, the producers will lower the price of the CDs. They will try to sell the leftover 10 CDs. Once the price of the CDs is reduced, the individuals will start purchasing the CDs at the lower cost (Mayer et al., 2014). Figure: The increase in the supply leads to the decrease in the price (Source: Created By Author) In the above graph, it can be seen that the increase in the supply leads to the decrease in the price. However, the demand remains the same. Figure: Equilibrium (Source: Created By Author) The graph shows that the Equilibrium point is reached once the supply equals the demand. The factors that affect the demand sides of the market are as follows: Change in income The demand for the CDs will increase if the income of the customers increases. The increase in the income will lead to increase in the demand of the CDs as the CDs are considered luxury goods (Karadja et al., 2014). Advertising The most important factor in this case is advertising, as the demand for the CDs will increase with the help of an effectual advertising. An effectual advertising will lead to the decrease of the competing goods. Changes in Taste and preferences The increase in the demand of the CDs will depend completely on the taste and preferences of the customers. If the customer prefers to listen to the songs that are offered by the company then the demand for the CDs will increase. However, if their taste changes in that case the demand will get affected that is it will decrease (Bohi, 2013). Shift in the demography of the market The demand for the luxury goods like CDs depends completely on the demography of the market. In other words, it depends on the age of the individuals. The youth will prefer to listen to modern songs that will increase the demand for the CDs providing the songs. Expectation Expectation is the factor that alters the demand of the customers. If the customer expects the price of a product to increase in the future, then it will alter their demand. Substitute goods and services If another company also sells CDs and that too by offering the songs that are highly accepted by the population in that case the demand will be affected. The substitutes will act as the competitor for the company. Complementary goods and services The demand for the CDs will decrease if the customer prefers to hear the same songs in the mobile phone. They might prefer to download the songs instead of paying money to purchase the CDs (Cai et al., 2012). The factors that affect the supply sides of the market are as follows: Cost Cost is one of the most vital factors that affect the supply of the product. If the cost of the CDs increases, it will shift the supply curve to the left. The number of producers If the number of companies producing CDs increases, in that case the supply of the CDs will increase. Conclusion It can be thus concluded that the supply refers to the quantity that can be offered by the market and in this case, the suppliers are the producers of CDs. The increase in the price will lead to the increase in the supply. If the demand is less than the supply, then the price will also get decreased. If the income of the customers increases, then the demand will increase. References Arnade, C. A., Cooper, J. (2013). Price Expectations and Supply Response. In2013 Annual Meeting, August(pp. 4-6). Basnet, C., Seuring, S. (2014). Demand-Oriented Supply Chain StrategiesA Review of the Literature.Available at SSRN 2464375. Bohi, D. R. (2013).Analyzing demand behavior: a study of energy elasticities. Routledge. Bowen, W. G., Sosa, J. A. (2014).Prospects for faculty in the arts and sciences: A study of factors affecting demand and supply, 1987 to 2012. Princeton University Press. Cai, G., Dai, Y., Zhou, S. X. (2012). Exclusive channels and revenue sharing in a complementary goods market.Marketing Science,31(1), 172-187. Karadja, M., Mollerstrom, J., Seim, D. (2014). Richer (and holier) than thou? The effect of relative income improvements on demand for redistribution.Review of Economics and Statistics, (0). Mayer, T., Melitz, M. J., Ottaviano, G. I. (2014). Market size, competition, and the product mix of exporters.The American Economic Review,104(2), 495-536.
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